1197C - Array Splitting - CodeForces Solution

greedy sortings *1400

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C++ Code:

// InterestingLSY

// 2659723130

// 《幽灵公主》是真的好看!

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define il inline

#define elif else if

// Type

#define ld double

#define ll long long

#define ull unsigned ll

// Vector

#define vc vector

#define Pb push_back

#define Pf push_front

#define Eb emplace_back

#define All(x) x.begin(),x.end()

#define AllRev(x) x.rbegin(),x.rend()

// Memory

#define Ms(_data) memset(_data,0,sizeof(_data))

#define Msn(_data,_num) memset(_data,_num,sizeof(_data))

// Template

#define _cl class

#define _tp template

#define _tyn typename

// Pair

#define Mp make_pair

#define F first

#define S second

#define pii pair<int,int>

#define pli pair<ll,int>

#define pil pair<int,ll>

#define pll pair<ll,ll>

// Loop

#define For(i,j) for( int (i) = 1 ; (i) <= (j) ; ++(i) )

#define For0(i,j) for( int (i) = 0 ; (i) < (j) ; ++(i) )

#define Forx(i,j,k) for( int (i) = (j) ; (i) <= (k) ; ++(i) )

#define Forstep(i,j,k,st) for( int (i) = (j) ; (i) <= (k) ; (i) += (st) )

#define fOR(i,j) for( int (i) = (j) ; (i) >= 1 ; --(i) )

#define fOR0(i,j) for( int (i) = (j)-1 ; (i) >= 0 ; --(i) )

#define fORx(i,j,k) for( int (i) = (k) ; (i) >= (j) ; --(i) )

// Read

struct InputReader{

	#define bs 1048576

	char buf[bs]; int p;

	il InputReader(){ p = bs; }

	il void Flush(){ p = 0; fread(buf,1,bs,stdin); }

	il char C(){ if(p >= bs) Flush(); return buf[p++]; }

	il char Readnum(){ char ch = C(); while( !isdigit(ch) && ch != '-' ) ch = C(); return ch; }

	il void Readalpha( char &c ){ c = C(); while( !isalpha(c) ) c = C(); }

	int operator() (){

		int ans = 0, fu = 1; char ch = Readnum();

		if( ch == '-' ) fu = -1, ch = C();

		while( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ){

			ans = ans*10 + ch-'0';

			ch = C();


		return ans * fu;


	ll Readll(){

		ll ans = 0LL, fu = 1LL; char ch = Readnum();

		if( ch == '-' ) fu = -1LL, ch = C();

		while( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ){

			ans = ans*10LL + ch-'0';

			ch = C();


		return ans * fu;


	il void Readstring( string &x ){

		x.clear(); char ch = C();

		while( !isdigit(ch)  &&  !isalpha(ch)  &&  ch != '#'  &&  ch != '.' ) ch = C();

		while( isdigit(ch)  ||  isalpha(ch)  ||  ch == '#'  ||  ch == '.' ){

			x += ch;

			ch = C();



	il void Readchstring( char s[] ){

		int len = 0; char ch = C();

		while( !isdigit(ch)  &&  !isalpha(ch)  /*&&  ch != '*'  &&  ch != '?'*/ ) ch = C();

		while( isdigit(ch)  ||  isalpha(ch)  /*||  ch == '*'  ||  ch == '?'*/ ){

			s[len++] = ch;

			ch = C();


		s[len] = '\0';


	il void Specialread( char &c ){

		c = C();

		while( !isdigit(c) && !isalpha(c) && c != '#'  &&  c != '.'  &&  c != '='  &&  c != 'B' ) c = C();


	#undef bs


il void Read( int &x ){ x = In(); }

il void Read( int &x, int &y ){ x = In(); y = In(); }

il void Read( int &x1 , int &x2 , int &x3 ){ x1 = In(); x2 = In(); x3 = In(); }

il void Read( int &x1 , int &x2 , int &x3 , int &x4 ){ x1 = In(); x2 = In(); x3 = In(); x4 = In(); }

il void Read( ll &x ){ x = In.Readll(); }

il void Read( ll &x, ll &y ){ x = In.Readll(); y = In.Readll(); }

il void Read( ll &x1 , ll &x2 , ll &x3 ){ x1 = In.Readll(); x2 = In.Readll(); x3 = In.Readll(); }

il void Read( ll &x1 , ll &x2 , ll &x3 , ll &x4 ){ x1 = In.Readll(); x2 = In.Readll(); x3 = In.Readll(); x4 = In.Readll(); }

_tp<_tyn T> void Read( T a[] , int st , int ed ){ Forx(i,st,ed) Read(a[i]); }

#define iRead(k) int k; Read(k);

#define iRead2(a,b) iRead(a); iRead(b);

#define iRead3(a,b,c) iRead2(a,b); iRead(c);

#define iRead4(a,b,c,d) iRead2(a,b); iRead2(c,d);

#define lRead(k) ll k; Read(k);

#define lRead2(a,b) lRead(a); lRead(b);

#define lRead3(a,b,c) lRead2(a,b); lRead(c);

#define lRead4(a,b,c,d) lRead2(a,b); lRead2(c,d);

// File

#define Fin(a) freopen(a,"r",stdin)

#define Fout(a) freopen(a,"w",stdout)

il void FILEIO(){

	#ifdef intLSY




il void FILEIO( string pname ){

	#ifndef intLSY







il void FILEIO_OICONTEST( string pname ){


	#ifndef intLSY




void Printtime(){

	#ifdef intLSY

		double _timeuse = clock()* 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

		fprintf(stderr,"\n\nTime usage:\n%.0lf ms\n",_timeuse);



void END(){ Printtime(); exit(0); }

_tp<_tyn T>void END( T mes ){ cout << mes << endl; END(); }

// Debug

#define B cerr << "BreakPoint" << endl;

#define O(x) cerr << #x << " " << x << endl;

#define o(x) cerr << #x << " " << x << "  ";

#define Msz(x) cerr << "Sizeof " << #x << " " << sizeof(x)/1024/1024 << " MB" << endl;

_tp<_tyn T>void Print( T a[] , int s , int t , char sp = ' ' , char ed = '\n' ){

	if( s > t ) return;

	for( int i = s ; i < t ; i++ )

		cout << a[i] << sp;

	cout << a[t] << ed;



_tp<_tyn T>void Print( T a , int s = 0 , int t = -1 , char sp = ' ' , char ed = '\n' ){

	if( t == -1 ) t = a.size()-1;

	for( int i = s ; i <= t ; i++ )

		cout << a[i] << sp;

	cout << ed;



// Optimize

#define Max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))

#define Min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))

#define Mymax(a,b) (a) = max((a),(b))

#define Mymin(a,b) (a) = min((a),(b))

#define MyMax(a,b) (a) = Max((a),(b))

#define MyMin(a,b) (a) = Min((a),(b))

#define INF (0x3f3f3f3f)

#define LINF ((long long)(0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f))

#define Sqr(x) ((ull)(x)*(x))

#define Lowbit(a) ((a)&(-(a)))

vc<int> Range( int l , int r ){

	vc<int> ret{};

	Forx(i,l,r) ret.Pb(i);

	return ret;


mt19937 Rand(0xe38195e38293);	// さん



const int MAXN = 300010;

int n,k;

ll a[MAXN];

ll ans = 0;

int main(){




	ans = a[n] - a[1];

	static vc<ll> t;

	For(i,n-1) t.Pb(a[i]-a[i+1]);


	For(i,k-1) ans += t[i-1];

	cout << ans << endl;





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