import bisect
import sys, os, io
input = io.BytesIO(, os.fstat(0).st_size)).readline
n, m, k = map(int, input().split())
u = [[0, m + 1] for _ in range(n + 1)]
v = [[0, n + 1] for _ in range(m + 1)]
for _ in range(k):
x, y = map(int, input().split())
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for i in range(1, m + 1):
c = 1
i, j = 1, 1
l = 0
if len(u[1]) > 1 and u[1][1] == 2:
l = 1
inf = pow(10, 9) + 1
z = [inf, inf, -inf, -inf]
while True:
if l == 0:
x = min(u[i][bisect.bisect_left(u[i], j)], z[0])
d = x - j - 1
j = x - 1
z[3] = i
elif l == 1:
x = min(v[j][bisect.bisect_left(v[j], i)], z[1])
d = x - i - 1
i = x - 1
z[0] = j
elif l == 2:
x = max(u[i][bisect.bisect_left(u[i], j) - 1], z[2])
d = j - x - 1
j = x + 1
z[1] = i
x = max(v[j][bisect.bisect_left(v[j], i) - 1], z[3])
d = i - x - 1
i = x + 1
z[2] = j
if not d:
c += d
l += 1
l %= 4
ans = "Yes" if n * m - c == k else "No"
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1543B - Customising the Track | 1337A - Ichihime and Triangle |
1366A - Shovels and Swords | 919A - Supermarket |
630C - Lucky Numbers | 1208B - Uniqueness |
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1006B - Polycarp's Practice | 1422A - Fence |
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898A - Rounding | 1372B - Omkar and Last Class of Math |
1025D - Recovering BST | 439A - Devu the Singer and Churu the Joker |
1323A - Even Subset Sum Problem | 1095A - Repeating Cipher |
630F - Selection of Personnel | 630K - Indivisibility |