using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<ll, ll> pll;
class T1, // answer value stored on nodes, no puede ser bool
class T2, // lazy update value stored on nodes, no puede ser bool
T1 merge(T1, T1),
void pushUpd(T2&, T2&, int, int, int, int), // push update value from a node to another
void applyUpd(T2&, T1&, int, int) // push update value from a node to its answer value
struct SegmentTreeLazy{
vector<T1> ST;
vector<T2> lazy;
vector<bool> upd;
int n;
void build(int i, int l, int r, vector<T1>&values){
if (l == r){
ST[i] = values[l];
build(i << 1, l, (l + r) >> 1, values);
build(i << 1 | 1, (l + r) / 2 + 1, r, values);
ST[i] = merge(ST[i << 1], ST[i << 1 | 1]);
n = values.size();
ST.resize(n << 2 | 3);
lazy.resize(n << 2 | 3);
upd.resize(n << 2 | 3, false);
build(1, 0, n - 1, values);
void push(int i, int l, int r){
if (upd[i]){
applyUpd(lazy[i], ST[i], l, r);
if (l != r){
if (!upd[i << 1])
lazy[i << 1] = lazy[i];
pushUpd(lazy[i], lazy[i << 1], l, r, l, (l + r) / 2);
if (!upd[i << 1 | 1])
lazy[i << 1 | 1] = lazy[i];
pushUpd(lazy[i], lazy[i << 1 | 1], l, r, (l + r) / 2 + 1, r);
upd[i << 1] = 1;
upd[i << 1 | 1] = 1;
upd[i] = false;
void update(int i, int l, int r, int a, int b, T2 &u){
if (l >= a and r <= b){
if (!upd[i])
lazy[i] = u;
pushUpd(u, lazy[i], a, b, l, r);
upd[i] = true;
push(i, l, r);
if (l > b or r < a) return;
if (l >= a and r <= b) return;
update(i << 1, l, (l + r) >> 1, a, b, u);
update(i << 1 | 1, (l + r) / 2 + 1, r, a, b, u);
ST[i] = merge(ST[i << 1], ST[i << 1 | 1]);
void update(int a, int b, T2 u){
if (a > b){
update(0, b, u);
update(a, n - 1, u);
return ;
update(1, 0, n - 1, a, b, u);
T1 query(int i, int l, int r, int a, int b){
push(i, l, r);
if (a <= l and r <= b)
return ST[i];
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if (mid < a)
return query(i << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, a, b);
if (mid >= b)
return query(i << 1, l, mid, a, b);
return merge(query(i << 1, l, mid, a, b), query(i << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, a, b));
T1 query(int a, int b){
if (a > b){
return merge(query(a, n - 1), query(0, b));
return query(1, 0, n - 1, a, b);
struct node{
int l44, l47, l74, l77;
node(int val) : node(){
if (val == 4)
l44 = 1;
l77 = 1;
l44 = l47 = l77 = l74 = 0;
node(int a, int b, int c, int d){
l44 = a;
l47 = b;
l74 = c;
l77 = d;
node merge(node a, node b){
return node(
a.l44 + b.l44,
max({a.l44 + b.l47, a.l44 + b.l77, a.l47 + b.l77}),
max({a.l77 + b.l74, a.l77 + b.l44, a.l74 + b.l44}),
a.l77 + b.l77
void pushUpd(int &u1, int &u2, int l1, int r1, int l2, int r2){
u2 ^= u1;
void applyUpd(int &u, node &v, int l, int r){
if (u){
swap(v.l44, v.l77);
swap(v.l47, v.l74);
int main(){
ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
int n, m;
cin >> n >> m;
string S;
cin >> S;
vector<node> a(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++)
a[i] = node(S[i] - '0');
SegmentTreeLazy<node, int, merge, pushUpd, applyUpd> ST(a);
while(m --){
string q;
cin >> q;
if (q[0] == 'c'){
node ans = ST.query(0, n - 1);
cout << max({ans.l44, ans.l47, ans.l77}) << '\n';
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
x --; y --;
ST.update(x, y, 1);
return 0;
1588. Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays | 1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent |
1832. Check if the Sentence Is Pangram | 1678. Goal Parser Interpretation |
1389. Create Target Array in the Given Order | 1313. Decompress Run-Length Encoded List |
1281. Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer | 1342. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero |
1528. Shuffle String | 1365. How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number |
771. Jewels and Stones | 1512. Number of Good Pairs |
672. Richest Customer Wealth | 1470. Shuffle the Array |
1431. Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies | 1480. Running Sum of 1d Array |
682. Baseball Game | 496. Next Greater Element I |
232. Implement Queue using Stacks | 844. Backspace String Compare |
20. Valid Parentheses | 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
392. Is Subsequence | 70. Climbing Stairs |
53. Maximum Subarray | 1527A. And Then There Were K |
1689. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers | 318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths |
448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array | 1155. Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum |