import math
while t:
using namespace std;
int main(){
int T;
int x, y;
long long n;
cin >> T;
cin >> x >> y >> n;
long long c = n / x;
long long r = n - c * x;
if(n % x) c++;
if(r == 0) r = x;
cout << (r - 1) * y + c << endl;
return 0;
519C - A and B and Team Training | 631A - Interview |
961B - Lecture Sleep | 522A - Reposts |
1166D - Cute Sequences | 1176A - Divide it |
1527A - And Then There Were K | 1618E - Singers' Tour |
1560B - Who's Opposite | 182B - Vasya's Calendar |
934A - A Compatible Pair | 1618F - Reverse |
1684C - Column Swapping | 57C - Array |
1713D - Tournament Countdown | 33A - What is for dinner |
810A - Straight A | 1433C - Dominant Piranha |
633A - Ebony and Ivory | 1196A - Three Piles of Candies |
299A - Ksusha and Array | 448B - Suffix Structures |
1092B - Teams Forming | 1166C - A Tale of Two Lands |
544B - Sea and Islands | 152B - Steps |
1174D - Ehab and the Expected XOR Problem | 1511A - Review Site |
1316A - Grade Allocation | 838A - Binary Blocks |