* Create: Thursday 2023-03-02-00.42.59 GMT+7
* Title : E. Tetrahedron
* Author:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const stack <T> &stack_) {os << "["; int n = (int) stack_.size(); vector <T> archive (n); stack <T> stackCopy_ (stack_); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {archive[stackCopy_.size()-1]=stackCopy_.top(); stackCopy_.pop();} if (!archive.empty()) {for (auto it=archive.begin(); it!=archive.end()-1; ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os <<archive.back();} os <<" "; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const queue <T> &queue_) {os << "->["; int n = (int) queue_.size(); vector <T> archive (n); queue <T> queueCopy_ (queue_); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {archive[queueCopy_.size()-1]=queueCopy_ .front(); queueCopy_.pop();} if (!archive.empty()) {for (auto it=archive.begin(); it!=archive.end()-1; ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os <<archive.back();} os <<" "; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const priority_queue <T,vector<T>,greater<T>>&Queue_) {os << "["; int n = (int) Queue_.size(); vector <T> archive (n); priority_queue<T,vector<T>,greater<T>> QueueCopy_ (Queue_); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {archive[QueueCopy_.size()-1]=QueueCopy_.top(); QueueCopy_.pop();} if (!archive.empty()) {for (auto it=archive.begin(); it!=archive.end()-1; ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os <<archive.back();} os <<" "; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const priority_queue <T> &Queue_) {os << "["; int n = (int) Queue_.size(); vector <T> archive (n); priority_queue<T> QueueCopy_ (Queue_); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {archive[QueueCopy_.size()-1]=QueueCopy_.top(); QueueCopy_.pop();} if (!archive.empty()) {for (auto it=archive.begin(); it!=archive.end()-1; ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os <<archive.back();} os <<" "; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const vector <T> &vector_) {os << "["; if (!vector_ .empty()) {for (auto it = vector_ .begin(), i=0; i< (int) vector_ .size()-1; ++i, ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os << * (vector_ .rbegin());} os << "]"; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const deque <T> &deque_) {os << "["; if (!deque_ .empty()) {for (auto it = deque_ .begin(), i=0; i< (int) deque_ .size()-1; ++i, ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os << * (deque_ .rbegin());} os << "]"; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const set <T> &set_) {os << "["; if (!set_ .empty()) {for (auto it = set_ .begin(), i=0; i< (int) set_ .size()-1; ++i, ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os << * (set_ .rbegin());} os << "]"; return os;}
template <typename T> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const multiset <T> &multiSet_) {os << "["; if (!multiSet_.empty()) {for (auto it = multiSet_.begin(), i=0; i< (int) multiSet_ .size()-1; ++i, ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os << * (multiSet_ .rbegin());} os << "]"; return os;}
template <typename T, typename _> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const map <T, _> &map_) {os << "["; if (!map_ .empty()) {for (auto it = map_ .begin(), i=0; i< (int) map_ .size()-1; ++i, ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os << * (map_ .rbegin());} os << "]"; return os;}
template <typename T, typename _> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const multimap <T, _> &multiMap_) {os << "["; if (!multiMap_.empty()) {for (auto it = multiMap_.begin(), i=0; i< (int) multiMap_ .size()-1; ++i, ++it) {os <<*it <<", ";} os << * (multiMap_ .rbegin());} os << "]"; return os;}
template <typename T, typename _> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const pair <T, _> &pair_) {os << "{"; {os <<pair_.first; os <<":"; os <<pair_.second;} os << "}"; return os;}
template <typename T> void quick_debug (ostream& os, const char *name, const T &value) {os <<"[DEBUG]" << name <<" = " <<value <<endl;};
template <typename T, typename... Args> void quick_debug (ostream& os, const char *name, const T &value, Args&&... args) {os <<"[DEBUG]"; while (*name != ',') {os << *name++;} os << " = " << value << endl; quick_debug (os, name + 1, args...);};
#define hien(...) quick_debug(cerr, " " #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define endl '\n'
int main() {
ios_base::sync_with_stdio (0); cin.tie (0);
#define trying_to_make_a_lot_of_mistakes_when_allowed
#define trying_to_read_a_lot_of_editorials_when_allowed
#define int long long
goto Source;
Source: https://oeis.org/search?q=3+6+21+60+183+546+1641+4920+14763+44286&sort=&language=english&go=Search
int n; cin >> n;
powMod = [&](int base, int exponent, int mod){
int res=1;
for( ;exponent; ){
return res;
const int mod=1e9+7;
int ans=(powMod(3, n, mod)+(n%2==1?-1LL:1LL)*3)*powMod(4, mod-2, mod);
cout <<ans <<endl;
return 0;
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