#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// policy based datastructure
// #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
// using namespace __gnu_pbds;
// typedef tree<int,null_type,less<int>,rb_tree_tag,
// tree_order_statistics_node_update> indexed_set;
#define ll long long
#define en '\n'
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define pb push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define mod 1000000007
#define mod2 998244353
#define fast \
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); \
cin.tie(0); \
using namespace std;
typedef vector<ll> vi;
typedef vector<vi> vvi;
typedef priority_queue<ll> pqi;
typedef priority_queue<ll, vi, greater<ll>> minpqi;
typedef pair<ll, ll> pii;
#define debarr(a, n) \
cout << #a << " : "; \
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) \
cerr << a[i] << " "; \
cerr << endl;
#define debmat(mat, row, col) \
cout << #mat << " :\n"; \
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) \
{ \
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) \
cerr << mat[i][j] << " "; \
cerr << endl; \
#define pr(...) dbs(#__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
template <class S, class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const pair<S, T> &p)
return os << "(" << p.first << ", " << p.second << ")";
template <class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vector<T> &p)
os << "[ ";
for (auto &it : p)
os << it << " ";
return os << "]";
template <class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const unordered_set<T> &p)
os << "[ ";
for (auto &it : p)
os << it << " ";
return os << "]";
template <class S, class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const unordered_map<S, T> &p)
os << "[ ";
for (auto &it : p)
os << it << " ";
return os << "]";
template <class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const set<T> &p)
os << "[ ";
for (auto &it : p)
os << it << " ";
return os << "]";
template <class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const multiset<T> &p)
os << "[ ";
for (auto &it : p)
os << it << " ";
return os << "]";
template <class S, class T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const map<S, T> &p)
os << "[ ";
for (auto &it : p)
os << it << " ";
return os << "]";
template <class T>
void dbs(string str, T t) { cerr << str << " : " << t << "\n"; }
template <class T, class... S>
void dbs(string str, T t, S... s)
int idx = str.find(',');
cerr << str.substr(0, idx) << " : " << t << ",";
dbs(str.substr(idx + 1), s...);
template <class T>
void prc(T a, T b)
cerr << "[";
for (T i = a; i != b; ++i)
if (i != a)
cerr << ", ";
cerr << *i;
cerr << "]\n";
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define present(c, key) (find(all(c), key) != c.end())
#define tr(c, it) for (auto it : c)
#define fr(i, s, e) for (ll i = s; i < e; i++)
#define revfr(i, s, e) for (ll i = s - 1; i >= e; i--)
#define getv(v, n) \
for (ll i = 0; i < n; i++) \
cin >> v[i];
template <typename T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, vector<T> &v)
for (auto element : v)
os << element << ' ';
return os;
inline void add(ll &a, ll b)
a += b;
if (a >= mod)
a -= mod;
inline void sub(ll &a, ll b)
a -= b;
if (a < 0)
a += mod;
inline ll mul(ll a, ll b, ll p = mod)
return (ll)((long long)a * b % p);
inline ll power(ll a, long long b, ll p = mod)
ll res = 1;
while (b > 0)
if (b & 1)
res = mul(res, a, p);
a = mul(a, a, p);
b >>= 1;
return res;
inline ll binpow(ll a, long long b)
ll res = 1;
while (b > 0)
if (b & 1)
res = res * a;
a = a * a;
b >>= 1;
return res;
inline ll inv(ll a, ll p = mod)
a %= p;
if (a < 0)
a += p;
ll b = p, u = 0, v = 1;
while (a)
ll t = b / a;
b -= t * a;
swap(a, b);
u -= t * v;
swap(u, v);
if (u < 0)
u += p;
return u;
// inline ll lsb(ll x)
// {
// return x&(~(x-1));
// }
// ll modexp2(ll a, ll b, ll c, ll p) // calculate (a^(b^c))%prime
// {
// // By Fermat's Little Theorem (a^(p-1))%p = 1 if p is prime
// ll x = power(b,c,p-1); // so we first find remainder when b^c is divided by p-1
// return (power(a,x,p)); // then just do (a^remainder)%p
// }
ll gcd(ll a, ll b)
if (a == 0 or b == 0)
return a ^ b;
return gcd(b, a % b);
ll lcm(ll a, ll b)
return a * (b / gcd(a, b));
void fread()
// #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE
freopen("./input.txt", "r", stdin);
freopen("./output.txt", "w", stdout);
// #endif
void solve()
ll n, q;
cin >> n;
vector<pii> v;
fr(i, 0, n)
ll a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
v.pb({a, b});
sort(all(v), [&](pii a, pii b)
{ return (a.ff - a.ss) > (b.ff - b.ss); });
vi pre(n + 1, 0), suff(n + 1, 0);
fr(i, 0, n) pre[i + 1] = (pre[i] + v[i].ff);
revfr(i, n, 0) suff[i] = (suff[i + 1] + v[i].ss);
ll pos = 0, mAx = suff[0] + pre[0];
fr(i, 0, n + 1)
if (mAx < (pre[i] + suff[i]))
pos = i;
mAx = pre[i] + suff[i];
cin >> q;
map<pii, ll> mp;
while (q--)
ll x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
ll gc = gcd(x, y);
if (n % gc)
cout << "-1\n";
if (mp.find({x, y}) != mp.end())
cout << mp[{x, y}] << en;
ll ans = 0;
ll flag = 0;
if (x < y)
swap(x, y);
flag = 1;
ll n1 = n / gc;
x /= gc;
y /= gc;
ll a = -1, b = -1;
fr(i, 0, y + 1)
if (n1 < (i * x))
if (n1 % y == ((i * x) % y))
a = i;
b = (n1 - (i * x)) / y;
if (flag)
swap(a, b);
swap(x, y);
x *= gc;
y *= gc;
if (a == -1)
mp[{x, y}] = -1;
cout << "-1\n";
// all solution of ax+by=c is given by (x0+k*b/g,y0-k*a/g); for all integers k
ll move = (x * y) / gc;
ll st = (a * x);
st += ((pos - st) / move) * move;
while (st < 0)
st += move;
while (st > n)
st -= move;
ans = (pre[st] + suff[st]);
if (st < pos)
st += move;
while (st > n)
st -= move;
ans = max(ans, pre[st] + suff[st]);
if (st > pos)
st -= move;
while (st < 0)
st += move;
ans = max(ans, pre[st] + suff[st]);
mp[{x, y}] = ans;
cout << ans << en;
using namespace std;
int main()
// fread();
ll _t = 1;
// cin >> _t;
fr(i, 1, _t + 1)
// cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": ";
// cerr<<"i="<<i<<en;
return 0;
1327B - Princesses and Princes | 1450F - The Struggling Contestant |
1399B - Gifts Fixing | 1138A - Sushi for Two |
982C - Cut 'em all | 931A - Friends Meeting |
1594A - Consecutive Sum Riddle | 1466A - Bovine Dilemma |
454A - Little Pony and Crystal Mine | 2A - Winner |
1622B - Berland Music | 1139B - Chocolates |
1371A - Magical Sticks | 1253A - Single Push |
706B - Interesting drink | 1265A - Beautiful String |
214A - System of Equations | 287A - IQ Test |
1108A - Two distinct points | 1064A - Make a triangle |
1245C - Constanze's Machine | 1005A - Tanya and Stairways |
1663F - In Every Generation | 1108B - Divisors of Two Integers |
1175A - From Hero to Zero | 1141A - Game 23 |
1401B - Ternary Sequence | 598A - Tricky Sum |
519A - A and B and Chess | 725B - Food on the Plane |