#pragma GCC target("avx2")
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
template<class T, class S>
ostream& operator << (ostream &o, const pair<T, S> &p) {
return o << '(' << p.first << ", " << p.second << ')';
template<template<class, class...> class T, class... A>
typename enable_if<!is_same<T<A...>, string>(), ostream&>::type
operator << (ostream &o, T<A...> V) {
o << '[';
for(auto a : V) o << a << ", ";
return o << ']';
typedef long long int ll;
typedef long double ld;
typedef pair<ll, ll> pl;
typedef vector<ll> vl;
#define G(x) ll x; cin >> x;
#define GD(x) ld x; cin >> x;
#define GS(s) string s; cin >> s;
#define F(i, l, r) for(ll i = l; i < (r); ++i)
#define FD(i, r, l) for(ll i = r; i > (l); --i)
#define P(a, n) { cout << "{ "; F(_, 0, n) cout << a[_] << " "; cout << "}\n"; }
#define EX(x) { cout << x << '\n'; exit(0); }
#define A(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define K first
#define V second
#define M 1000000007 //998244353
#define N 400010
ll ct[2][2 * N], p[N];
int main() {
F(i, 1, n + 1) cin >> p[i];
F(k, 0, 2) {
F(i, 1, n + 1) if(p[i] < n) {
ll l = (p[i] + 1 - i + n) % n;
ll r = n - i;
if(r < l) r += n;
ct[k][r + 1]--;
ct[k][l + n]++;
if(r + 1 + n < 2 * n) ct[k][r + 1 + n]--;
F(i, 1, 2 * n) ct[k][i] += ct[k][i - 1];
reverse(p + 1, p + n + 1);
ll r0 = 0, r1 = 0; bool rev = false;
cout << ct[0][n] << '\n';
G(q) while(q--) {
if(t < 3) {
if((t == 1) == !rev) { G(x) r0 = (r0 - x + n) % n; r1 = (r1 + x) % n; }
else { G(x) r0 = (r0 + x) % n; r1 = (r1 - x + n) % n; }
} else rev = !rev;
cout << ct[rev][n + (rev ? r1 : r0)] << '\n';
1364A - XXXXX | 1499B - Binary Removals |
1569C - Jury Meeting | 108A - Palindromic Times |
46A - Ball Game | 114A - Cifera |
776A - A Serial Killer | 25B - Phone numbers |
1633C - Kill the Monster | 1611A - Make Even |
1030B - Vasya and Cornfield | 1631A - Min Max Swap |
1296B - Food Buying | 133A - HQ9+ |
1650D - Twist the Permutation | 1209A - Paint the Numbers |
1234A - Equalize Prices Again | 1613A - Long Comparison |
1624B - Make AP | 660B - Seating On Bus |
405A - Gravity Flip | 499B - Lecture |
709A - Juicer | 1358C - Celex Update |
1466B - Last minute enhancements | 450B - Jzzhu and Sequences |
1582C - Grandma Capa Knits a Scarf | 492A - Vanya and Cubes |
217A - Ice Skating | 270A - Fancy Fence |