import sys
def rs(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
def ri(): return int(sys.stdin.readline())
def ria(): return list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))
def ws(s): sys.stdout.write(s); sys.stdout.write('\n')
def wi(n): sys.stdout.write(str(n)); sys.stdout.write('\n')
def wia(a, sep=' '): sys.stdout.write(sep.join([str(x) for x in a])); sys.stdout.write('\n')
def solve(n, m, a, b, c):
max_a = max(a)
M = max_a + 1
best = [M] * M
for i in range(n):
diff = a[i] - b[i]
best[a[i]] = min(best[a[i]], diff)
ans = [0] * M
waste = M
for i in range(M):
waste = min(waste, best[i])
if waste < M:
ans[i] = 2 + ans[i - waste]
res = 0
for ci in c:
if ci < M:
res += ans[ci]
v = 1 + (ci - M) // waste
ci -= v * waste
res += ans[ci] + 2 * v
return res
def main():
n, m = ria()
a = ria()
b = ria()
c = ria()
wi(solve(n, m, a, b, c))
if __name__ == '__main__':
1635A - Min Or Sum | 474A - Keyboard |
1343A - Candies | 1343C - Alternating Subsequence |
1325A - EhAb AnD gCd | 746A - Compote |
318A - Even Odds | 550B - Preparing Olympiad |
939B - Hamster Farm | 732A - Buy a Shovel |
1220C - Substring Game in the Lesson | 452A - Eevee |
1647B - Madoka and the Elegant Gift | 1408A - Circle Coloring |
766B - Mahmoud and a Triangle | 1618C - Paint the Array |
469A - I Wanna Be the Guy | 1294A - Collecting Coins |
1227A - Math Problem | 349A - Cinema Line |
47A - Triangular numbers | 1516B - AGAGA XOOORRR |
1515A - Phoenix and Gold | 1515B - Phoenix and Puzzle |
155A - I_love_username | 49A - Sleuth |
1541A - Pretty Permutations | 1632C - Strange Test |
673A - Bear and Game | 276A - Lunch Rush |