import sys, random, bisect
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush
from itertools import permutations
from math import gcd, log
input = lambda :sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
mi = lambda :map(int, input().split())
li = lambda :list(mi())
p, q = mi()
n = int(input())
a = li()
g = gcd(p, q)
p, q = p // g, q // g
u, v, id = a[n - 1], 1, n - 2
while id >= 0:
u, v = v, u
u = a[id] * v + u
id = id - 1
g = gcd(u, v)
u, v = u // g, v // g
if u == p and v == q: print('YES')
else: print('NO')
1606A - AB Balance | 1658C - Shinju and the Lost Permutation |
1547C - Pair Programming | 550A - Two Substrings |
797B - Odd sum | 1093A - Dice Rolling |
1360B - Honest Coach | 1399C - Boats Competition |
1609C - Complex Market Analysis | 1657E - Star MST |
1143B - Nirvana | 1285A - Mezo Playing Zoma |
919B - Perfect Number | 894A - QAQ |
1551A - Polycarp and Coins | 313A - Ilya and Bank Account |
1469A - Regular Bracket Sequence | 919C - Seat Arrangements |
1634A - Reverse and Concatenate | 1619C - Wrong Addition |
1437A - Marketing Scheme | 1473B - String LCM |
1374A - Required Remainder | 1265E - Beautiful Mirrors |
1296A - Array with Odd Sum | 1385A - Three Pairwise Maximums |
911A - Nearest Minimums | 102B - Sum of Digits |
707A - Brain's Photos | 1331B - Limericks |