645A - Amity Assessment - CodeForces Solution

brute force constructive algorithms implementation *1200

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Python Code:

def inputer(matrix : list,num=2) -> list:
    for i in range(num): [matrix.append(i) for i in input()  if type(i) == str]
    return matrix
valid_moves = {0: [1,2] , 1: [0,3],2:[0,3],3:[2,1]}
def determiner(matrix1 : list, matrix2 : list) -> str:
    ind_1=  matrix1.index('X')
    letter = matrix2[ind_1]
    if matrix1.index(letter) in valid_moves[ind_1]:
                matrix1[matrix1.index(letter)],matrix1[ind_1] = "X", letter
        if matrix1 ==  matrix2: return "YES"
        else: return determiner(matrix1, matrix2)
                ticker = 0
        while ticker < 4:
            first = matrix1[0]
            second = matrix1[1]
            last = matrix1[2]
            third = matrix1[3]

            matrix1[0] = last
            matrix1[1] = first
            matrix1[2] = third
            matrix1[3] = second

            if matrix1 == matrix2:
                return "YES"

            ind_1=  matrix1.index('X')
            letter = matrix2[ind_1]

            ticker += 1
            if matrix1.index(letter) in valid_moves[ind_1]:
                matrix_copy1= matrix1[:]
                               matrix_copy1[matrix1.index(letter)],matrix_copy1[ind_1] = "X", letter
                if matrix_copy1 ==  matrix2: return "YES"
        return "NO"

inputer(matrix1 := [])
inputer(matrix2 := [])
print(determiner(matrix1, matrix2))


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