n = int(input())
array = list(map(int, input().split()))
array = [(q - 1) for q in array]
dist = [0] + ([-1] * (n - 1))
i = 0
fila = [0]
while i < len(fila):
k = fila[i]
q = array[k]
if dist[q] == -1:
dist[q] = dist[k] + 1
if k < (n - 1) and dist[k + 1] == -1:
dist[k + 1] = dist[k] + 1
fila.append(k + 1)
if k > 0 and dist[k - 1] == -1:
dist[k - 1] = dist[k] + 1
fila.append(k - 1)
i += 1
print(' '.join(str(e) for e in dist))
1244E - Minimizing Difference | 1688A - Cirno's Perfect Bitmasks Classroom |
219A - k-String | 952A - Quirky Quantifiers |
451B - Sort the Array | 1505H - L BREAK into program |
171E - MYSTERIOUS LANGUAGE | 630D - Hexagons |
1690D - Black and White Stripe | 1688D - The Enchanted Forest |
1674C - Infinite Replacement | 712A - Memory and Crow |
1676C - Most Similar Words | 1681A - Game with Cards |
151C - Win or Freeze | 1585A - Life of a Flower |
1662A - Organizing SWERC | 466C - Number of Ways |
1146A - Love "A" | 1618D - Array and Operations |
1255A - Changing Volume | 1710C - XOR Triangle |
415C - Mashmokh and Numbers | 8A - Train and Peter |
591A - Wizards' Duel | 1703G - Good Key Bad Key |
1705A - Mark the Photographer | 1707A - Doremy's IQ |
1706B - Making Towers | 1325B - CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy |