925B - Resource Distribution - CodeForces Solution

binary search implementation sortings *1700

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Python Code:

def fin(c, x):
    return (x + c - 1) // c 

def ck(x, b):
    r = (n, n)
    for i in range(b, n):
        r = min(r, (i + fin(c[i][0], x), i))
    return r

def sol(r, l):
    if r[0] <= n and l[0] <= n and r[1] < n and l[1] < n :
        print(r[0] - r[1], l[0]- l[1])
        print(' '.join([str(x[1]) for x in c[r[1]:r[0]]]))
        print(' '.join([str(x[1]) for x in c[l[1]:l[0]]]))
        return True
        return False
n, x1, x2 = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
c = sorted([(int(x), i + 1) for i, x in enumerate(input().split())])

r1 = ck(x1, 0)
l1 = ck(x2, r1[0])
r2 = ck(x2, 0)
l2 = ck(x1, r2[0])

if not sol(r1, l1) and not sol(l2, r2):


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