# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class Solution:
def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root: 'TreeNode', p: 'TreeNode', q: 'TreeNode') -> 'TreeNode':
def trav(root):
if not root:
return [False, False, None]
a = trav(root.left)
b = trav(root.right)
if a[-1] != None:
return a
if b[-1] != None:
return b
arr = [False, False, None]
if root == p:
arr[0] = True
if root == q:
arr[1] = True
arr[0] = arr[0] or a[0] or b[0]
arr[1] = arr[1] or a[1] or b[1]
if arr[0] and arr[1]:
arr[2] = root
return arr
return arr
return trav(root)[2]
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1725D - Deducing Sortability | 1501A - Alexey and Train |
721B - Passwords | 1263D - Secret Passwords |
1371B - Magical Calendar | 1726E - Almost Perfect |
1360C - Similar Pairs | 900A - Find Extra One |
1093D - Beautiful Graph | 748A - Santa Claus and a Place in a Class |
1511B - GCD Length | 676B - Pyramid of Glasses |
597A - Divisibility | 1632A - ABC |
1619D - New Year's Problem | 242B - Big Segment |
938A - Word Correction | 159C - String Manipulation 10 |
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1428C - ABBB | 1557A - Ezzat and Two Subsequences |
255A - Greg's Workout | 1059A - Cashier |
1389C - Good String | 1561A - Simply Strange Sort |
1337B - Kana and Dragon Quest game | 137C - History |