class Solution:
def sortArrayByParity(self, A: List[int]) -> List[int]:
g = len(A)-1
k = 0
while g!=k:
if A[k]%2==0:
A[k], A[g] = A[g], A[k]
return A
Missing numbers | Maximum sum |
13 Reasons Why | Friend's Relationship |
Health of a person | Divisibility |
A. Movement | Numbers in a matrix |
Sequences | Split houses |
Divisible | Three primes |
Coprimes | Cost of balloons |
One String No Trouble | Help Jarvis! |
Lift queries | Goki and his breakup |
Ali and Helping innocent people | Book of Potion making |
Duration | Birthday Party |
e-maze-in | Bricks Game |
Char Sum | Two Strings |
Anagrams | Prime Number |
Lexical Sorting Reloaded | 1514A - Perfectly Imperfect Array |