rfid rc522 code


#include <SPI.h>      //include the SPI bus library
#include <MFRC522.h>  //include the RFID reader library

#define SS_PIN 10  //slave select pin
#define RST_PIN 5  //reset pin

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);  // instatiate a MFRC522 reader object.
MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;          //create a MIFARE_Key struct named 'key', which will hold the card information

//this is the block number we will write into and then read.
int block=2;  

byte blockcontent[16] = {"Last-Minute-Engg"};  //an array with 16 bytes to be written into one of the 64 card blocks is defined
//byte blockcontent[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};  //all zeros. This can be used to delete a block.

//This array is used for reading out a block.
byte readbackblock[18];

void setup() 
    Serial.begin(9600);        // Initialize serial communications with the PC
    SPI.begin();               // Init SPI bus
    mfrc522.PCD_Init();        // Init MFRC522 card (in case you wonder what PCD means: proximity coupling device)
    Serial.println("Scan a MIFARE Classic card");
  // Prepare the security key for the read and write functions.
  for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    key.keyByte[i] = 0xFF;  //keyByte is defined in the "MIFARE_Key" 'struct' definition in the .h file of the library

void loop()
  // Look for new cards
  if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {
  // Select one of the cards
  if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) 
    Serial.println("card selected");
   //the blockcontent array is written into the card block
   writeBlock(block, blockcontent);
   //read the block back
   readBlock(block, readbackblock);
   //uncomment below line if you want to see the entire 1k memory with the block written into it.
   //print the block contents
   Serial.print("read block: ");
   for (int j=0 ; j<16 ; j++)
     Serial.write (readbackblock[j]);

//Write specific block    
int writeBlock(int blockNumber, byte arrayAddress[]) 
  //this makes sure that we only write into data blocks. Every 4th block is a trailer block for the access/security info.
  int largestModulo4Number=blockNumber/4*4;
  int trailerBlock=largestModulo4Number+3;//determine trailer block for the sector
  if (blockNumber > 2 && (blockNumber+1)%4 == 0){Serial.print(blockNumber);Serial.println(" is a trailer block:");return 2;}
  Serial.println(" is a data block:");
  //authentication of the desired block for access
  byte status = mfrc522.PCD_Authenticate(MFRC522::PICC_CMD_MF_AUTH_KEY_A, trailerBlock, &key, &(mfrc522.uid));
  if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
         Serial.print("PCD_Authenticate() failed: ");
         return 3;//return "3" as error message
  //writing the block 
  status = mfrc522.MIFARE_Write(blockNumber, arrayAddress, 16);
  //status = mfrc522.MIFARE_Write(9, value1Block, 16);
  if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
           Serial.print("MIFARE_Write() failed: ");
           return 4;//return "4" as error message
  Serial.println("block was written");

//Read specific block
int readBlock(int blockNumber, byte arrayAddress[]) 
  int largestModulo4Number=blockNumber/4*4;
  int trailerBlock=largestModulo4Number+3;//determine trailer block for the sector

  //authentication of the desired block for access
  byte status = mfrc522.PCD_Authenticate(MFRC522::PICC_CMD_MF_AUTH_KEY_A, trailerBlock, &key, &(mfrc522.uid));

  if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
         Serial.print("PCD_Authenticate() failed (read): ");
         return 3;//return "3" as error message

//reading a block
byte buffersize = 18;//we need to define a variable with the read buffer size, since the MIFARE_Read method below needs a pointer to the variable that contains the size... 
status = mfrc522.MIFARE_Read(blockNumber, arrayAddress, &buffersize);//&buffersize is a pointer to the buffersize variable; MIFARE_Read requires a pointer instead of just a number
  if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
          Serial.print("MIFARE_read() failed: ");
          return 4;//return "4" as error message
  Serial.println("block was read");



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