// 1. BigInt is an integer, number is a decimal
var BigNum1=100n; //ok
var BigNum2=100.20n; //error
var Num1=100; //ok
var Num2=100.20; //ok
// 2. Different implementation
The number can handle numbers up to 9007199254740991.
The BigInt can handle arbitrary long numbers, limited by the available memory of the system.
// 3. BigInt cannot be used in arithmetic operations with numbers
let numVar=100;
let bigVar= 100n;
console.log(numVar+bigVar); // error
// 4. ...but you can compare them
console.log(1n < 2) //true
console.log(2n > 1) //true
console.log(2n > 2) //false
console.log(2n >= 2) //true
// 5. More details on the source