The main objective of Java programming language was to server security and be platform independent. There are alot of features in Java.
Some main features are: - Simple
- Security
- Object-oriented
- Robust
- Platform Independent
- High performance
- Multi-threaded
Java has much simpler syntax then C++ or C. Java also provides with Automatic grabage collection which helps in memory management.
Object Oriented:
Java is an object-oriented programming language. Everything in Java is an object. Object-oriented means we organize our software as a combination of different types of objects. Object-oriented has many advantages like data hiding and code reusability. Object oriented programming has four main concepts - Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation.
Java is best known for its security, mainly because of
no explicit pointer and also
java programs run inside a virtual machine sandbox. Java also has
Class loader which loads all the classes into JVM also it sperates the packages from the local file and those which are imported from the network.
Java also contains
Bytecode Verifier which checks for the illegal code that can bypass the object rights.
Java is robust language. It provides strong memory management and security with platform independence.
Platform Independent:
You can take the object code and get it running on any machine without need to compile it again, which helps in software distriution wihtout sharing the codebase.