Written by - Saksham Jain

CSS in React

There are two ways to style react applications using CSS those are :

  1. External CSS: This is the same as we used in HTML except for two changes those are :
    • We cannot use the class as it’s a reserved keyword in react So, we have to use className instead of class.
    • Instead of linking the CSS file using a style tag, we have to import the CSS file.
  2. Inline CSS: This is mostly used in react applications. To apply inline CSS first we have to give style attributes to the element the passes all the styling in a js object format in JSX like: { key: ‘value’, key: ‘value’} and convert all the CSS property names from kebab-case to camelCase.
    Now we can pass this object as it is to the style attribute or we can create an object and pass that to the style attribute.
    function MyComponent(){
    return <div style={{ color: 'blue', lineHeight : 10, padding: 20 }}> Inline Styled Component</div>
    const mystyle = {
        color: 'blue',
        lineHeight : 10, 
        padding: 20
    function MyComponent(){
    return <div style={mystyle}> Inline Styled Component</div>